Master’s Degree in Teacher Education for University-track Secondary Schools

Blaue Kachel auf der Master steht Blaue Kachel auf der Master steht Blaue Kachel auf der Master steht

With the master's degree in teaching at grammar schools, the technical requirements for employment in the preparatory service at grammar schools are acquired. The basic knowledge acquired in the bachelor's degree in the subject science and the subject didactics of two subjects is continued in relation to the future professional field of school, supplemented by educational and practical school studies.

Abschluss Master of Education (M. Ed.)
Regelstudienzeit 4 Semester
Leistungspunkteumfang 120 LP 
Studienbeginn Wintersemester und Sommersemester (zum Sommersemester nur bei freien Kapazitäten)